Friday, February 28, 2014

Teaching the Law of Chastity to Our Children


The law of chastity is being sexual pure in our thoughts, words, and actions. Chastity includes strict abstinence from sexual relations before marriage and complete fidelity and loyalty to one's spouse after marriage.

Responsibility of Parents to Teach Children the Law of Chastity

Q Who is responsible to teach children about procreation (the process of conceiving and bearing children) and the law of chastity? Why?

Invitation: as we talk about teaching our children about the law of chastity, pay attention to the promptings your receive from the Holy Ghost. Go and teach your children according to these promptings.

Q How do we make it so these conversations are not awkward or embarrassing?

"Parents can begin teaching children to have proper attitudes toward their bodies when children are very young. Talking to children frankly but reverently and using the correct names for the parts and functions of their bodies will help them grow up without unnecessary embarrassment about their bodies....

"By the time children reach maturity, parents should have frankly discussed procreation with them. Children should understand that these powers are good and were given to us by the Lord. He expects us to use them within the bounds He has given us.

"Little children come to earth pure and innocent from Heavenly Father. As parents pray for guidance, the Lord will inspire them to teach children at the right time and in the right way" (Gospel Principles).

Q How help our children develop proper attitudes toward their bodies? Towards sex (the seriousness of sin and the beauty in marriage)?

Talk about the potential negative consequences of sex outside of marriage and the positive consequences in marriage. Be careful not to send mixed messages like "sex is dirty and sinful, but save it for someone you love".

Q How respond when we see someone break the law of chastity on TV or a movie without sending a mixed message? (As many lies are taught in these bad scenes, we need to have many talks with our children about what the real consequences of immorality are and the blessings of marriage, such as combating the image that married couples are always unhapy. Regular and spontaneous talks are needed.)

"Children are naturally curious. They want to know how their bodies work. They want to know where babies come from. If parents answer all such questions immediately and clearly so children can understand, children will continue to take their questions to their parents. However, if parents answer questions so that children feel embarrassed, rejected, or dissatisfied, they will probably go to someone else with their questions and perhaps get incorrect ideas and improper attitudes.

"It is not wise or necessary, however, to tell children everything at once. Parents need only give them the information they have asked for and can understand. While answering these questions, parents can teach children the importance of respecting their bodies and the bodies of others. Parents should teach children to dress modestly. They should correct the false ideas and vulgar language that children learn from others" (Gospel Principles).

Q What does it mean to immediately and clearly answer the questions of our children? How do we avoid making them feel embarrassed, rejected, or dissatisfied?

Teachings of Prophets
Review standards in For the Strength of Youth with our children:

  • Sexual Purity
  • Dating (do not date before age 16)
  • Etertainment and the media

Q A child asks, "Where is the line?", how do you respond?

Analogy: a person in a sled going down a steep hill needs to slow down far before they reach the edge of a cliff.

Q What should we do when we discover a child struggles to keep the law of chastity?

"As men and women, as husbands and wives, and as Church leaders, one of our paramount responsibilities is to help young men and women learn about and prepare for righteous marriage through our personal example. As young women and men observe worthiness, loyalty, sacrifice, and the honoring of covenants in our marriages, then those youth will seek to emulate the same principles in their courting and marriage relationships. As young people notice that we have made the comfort and convenience of our eternal companion our highest priority, then they will become less self-centered and more able to give, to serve, and to create an equal and enduring companionship. As young women and men perceive mutual respect, affection, trust, and love between a husband and a wife, then they will strive to cultivate the same characteristics in their lives. Our children and the youth of the Church will learn the most from what we do and what we are—even if they remember relatively little of what we say" (David A. Bednar, Ensign, June 2006, 82-87).

Invitation: talk with your children about procreation and the law of chastity. Act on the promptings of the spirit you received today.

Also refer to "A Parent's Guide" for age specific suggestions when teaching children the Law of Chastity.

Key talks about the law of chastity can be found at

Key talks about strengthening families can be found at

Key talks about strengthening youth can be found at

Key talks about repentance can be found at

Key talks about addiction can be found at

Please share your testimony of the principles covered in this lesson or share a favorite scripture or quote that wasn't included.

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