Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reactivation Visit Sample Lesson Plan

1.       Invite at least one Home or Visiting Teacher of the household to join you for the visit.
a.       Ask if you can go with them on their next Home/Visiting Teaching visit if they already have a relationship with the household.
b.      Review the message you're hoping to share and why.
c.       Total visit length 45-60 min (Socializing: 5-15 min. Lesson: 30-45 min).
2.       Ask head of household who they would like to pray.
a.       They'll likely pick you. Being full of love, pray for the Spirit to be present and for the Lord to bless them in every aspect of their lives. 
3.       Remind them of positive experiences they have had with the church.
a.       How did you come to know the church is true?
b.      What was your baptism like?
c.       What differences did you seen in your life after you received the Gift of the Holy Ghost?
d.      How has the church improved your relationship with God?
4.       Read the Book of Mormon with them.
a.       Invite everyone in the house to join. Request that the TV and other distractions be turned off.
b.      Short:           1 Nephi 15:24, Helaman 3:29-30, Helaman 5:12
c.       Medium:      Alma 33:19-23, Alma 37:38-46, Moroni 6:1-6
d.      Long:           Alma 34, 3 Nephi 11
5.       Bear testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon.
a.       Share a story of someone who was blessed by reading the Book of Mormon every day
b.      “There is a power in the [Book of Mormon] which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path. The scriptures are called “the words of life” (D&C 84:85), and nowhere is that more true than it is of the Book of Mormon. When you begin to hunger and thirst after those words, you will find life in greater and greater abundance” (Ezra Taft Benson, “The Keystone of Our Religion,” Ensign, Jan 1992, 2).
6.       Invite them to read the Book of Mormon Every Day.
a.       Discuss different times when they could regularly read the Book of Mormon.
b.      Suggest a chapter they might start with (1 Nephi 1, Mosiah 2, Alma 32, 3 Nephi 11).
c.       Offer to read with them at a later visit.
d.      "Will you read the Book of Mormon every day?" (Between now and our next visit?)
7.       Close with a prayer
a.       Respectfully invite the head of household to pray. You may need to coach them.
8.       Follow up at a later time.
a.       As if the Home/Visiting Teachers would be willing to follow up at a later time. If the commitment to read the Book of Mormon is not kept, request that Home/Visiting Teachers read with them.
b.      How has your Book of Mormon reading been? What do you like about what you've been reading?
c.       What questions do you have about what you have read or the church? Would you like to know more (invite to meet with full time missionaries)?
d.      What blessings have you seen as you've read the Book of Mormon?

e.      "I'm sorry to hear that you didn't read because I know it would have blessed you. Can we read a chapter together?"

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